Naomi Blanco, a French model, was born in the picturesque town of Martigues, nestled in the south of France and today she finds herself living in Los Angeles. Naomi was scouted at a young age, and although the timing wasn't quite right, she went back just a couple years later to be signed to the same agency that scouted her. Driven by her entrepreneurial spirit, Naomi's passion for art led her to start her own YouTube channel. Through her channel, she shares her experiences as a model, offering insights into the industry and providing a glimpse into her life. Naomi's authentic and relatable approach to storytelling as she invites her viewers into her world of modeling, beauty, and personal growth. She possesses a deep passion for sharing, creating, exploring, and traveling. Whether it's capturing her world through the lens of her camera, immersing herself in diverse cultures, or embarking on new adventures, she constantly seeks inspiration and embraces the world with an open heart. Motivated by her innate drive to excel, Naomi continuously challenges herself to reach new heights. She is fueled by a desire to do well in every aspect of her life, whether it be her modeling career, her artistic pursuits, or her personal growth. Her unwavering determination serves as a driving force, inspiring her to always do her best.